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That are rather low difficulty for fantastic rewards

Submitted by Kingang on Tue, 02/02/2021 - 16:32

The pitcher usually has the better result on a pitch with good spot/location/etc since the hitter isn't

able to square on the pitch.I believe it should be more difficult for batters in the game to square up,

but I also believe the hitter should get the better result on a properly squared upward swing.

Honestly, I get so much more frustrated with the pitching inconsistencies compared to hitting ones.I can

not talk for everyone, but for me personally, I know I'm going to have the game anyway. There are a few

major flaws with the game, however in the end, I still like playing, so may too pre-order to find the


While this was an intensive project and also a great deal of work, it's also important to remember a

large part of the community had left to play Madden by the time this survey was released.I'm not stating

whether there'd be positive or negative responses with that crowd but simply that the"non hardcore"

players had largely moved on and probably did not fill out the survey.MLB the Display must be a realistic

baseball simulator, where the top players undergo a hit around 3/10 of the moment, not where the best

players get a hit every time the ball is squared up, I genuinely don't get why folks are get so mad when

they do not get a hit every time the ball is booted.

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