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What is a Veneer? What Are the Benefits of Getting Veneers?

Submitted by icodental on Thu, 04/06/2023 - 04:51

Beginning: A veneer is a material placed over the tooth to improve its aesthetic appearance and look. It also impacts your teeth’s overall functionality. Dental veneers are a common and preferred dental procedure that instantly improves a patient’s smile and help protect the tooth's surface from further damage. Today, in modern dentistry at dental veneers Chicago IL, there options and choices of materials used to make the veneers.

What Causes Teeth Discoloration? How Can It Be Eliminated?

Submitted by icodental on Tue, 03/14/2023 - 15:43

Introduction: For many of us, we have heard about or even actually taken teeth whitening dental services. This because loss of tooth luminosity (loss of original color) occurs over time. Keeping your teeth clean is also an important part of maintaining a healthy oral routine and care. For the teeth whitening dentist in Chicago, teeth should be clean, free from plaque, bacteria, and other substances that lead to bigger health issues.

The Top 5 Advantages of Visiting a Teeth Whitening Dentist

Submitted by icodental on Tue, 01/31/2023 - 07:31

Introduction: Teeth are subject to lots of chewing and grinding in the course of our desire for a healthy life. And as a result, discoloration is bound to happen over time. This is a loss of natural tooth color and becoming grossly stained. It becomes shameful to smile, which affects your confidence. According to a renowned teeth whitening dentist in Chicago, sustained tooth discoloration may lead to other bacterial infections from plaque buildup or bad oral hygiene. This is not a desirable situation or condition.

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