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piyushsteel's suppliers


Suppliers Catalogs & Keywords:

<strong>Supplier&nbsp;types</strong>:Manufacturer/Trade company/Personal <strong>Supplier&nbsp;</strong><strong>Address </strong>: 54, Bhandari Street, 1st Kumbharwada,Mumbai - 400 004, . <strong>E-mail</strong>: <strong>Telephone number</strong>:(+) 022 23867540/67437649/67436868 <strong>Mobile number</strong>:(+) <strong>Website</strong>: <strong>Certifications</strong>: <strong>Supplier&nbsp;description</strong>: Piyush Steel operates in the field of Tubular metal products since 1983 and now is one of the biggest stainless steel Exporter in the Indian market.We have achieved the ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) 9001:2008 certification. Our company provides services in purchasing and supply of stainless, High Nickel Alloys, APIX65 Pipe and carbon steel rolled products to our customers worldwide. Wide range of steel products, which are always available in company stock, helps Piyush Steel to take leading positions in supplying industrial and building enterprises. <strong>Buyers, Please&nbsp;let us know,you&nbsp;get the info from ,you can get a&nbsp;Special Discounts.</strong>
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