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A Limelight on RTI Act: A Helpful Avenue for the Common Persons

Pitch your "Quote" of one's own free will!

It is what the RTI Act addresses.  

It's not only about the Right to Information, but the Indian government has always been indulged in the good deeds that work for the betterment of the country. "Demonetization" is a recent illustration. And, the good moves still continue...

Do you know that the Right to Information Act is integrated with the digital India?

Yes, it is true. The "Information" in this act signifies any piece of material including the documents, e-mails, records, opinions, press releases, pieces of advice, reports, logbooks, and other material in the form of an electronic form. Isn't it linked with the new digital India?  

Now, we will proceed further to dive into this act more...


Let us start with the core context.

This act incorporates certain rights and basically, they are:

Extract the information in the digital and paper, both form. The illustrations are printouts, floppies, diskettes, video cassettes, tapes or any other electronic or physical mode.

Collect the notes, or any other certified copies of the documents or records.

Take the certified or approved samples of data material.

Check out the data, documents and records.


12th October 2005 is the date when it had embarked upon. It was the 120th day after its enactment on 15 June 2005. The favorable part is that some of the laws had instantly been effected, such as:

Obligations of the Public Authorities

Constitution of Central Information Commission

Constitution of State Information Commission

Designation of Public Information Officers

Non-Applicability of the Act to Intelligence and Security Organizations

Power to make rules to carry out the provisions of the Act


The major reason behind the evolution of this act was that the Indian citizens couldn't have the direct access and a resourceful approach for communicating with the government. So, they were unable to deliver their core point. Hence, the government adopted a step in favor of the welfare of the common persons. And, now, the people of the India has a compelling approach to convey their ideas, issues, solutions, and other concerns.


Except for the state of Jammu and Kashmir, the entire India comes under the RTI Act 2005. All the entities that come under the Constitution or under any law or any Government notification, and all that are financed or controlled by the Government, are included in the checklist of this act.


RTI Act 2005 has smashed with a great hit. It is because this act casts a straightforward accountability on any person for the poor or the non-performance. If the associated officer does not response within the proper period, then the penalty of Rs. 250 per day is imposed on him/her by the Information Commissioner. Moreover, if the reverted information is false, then a penalty of maximum Rs. 25000 can be enforced. Even, the penalty can also be applied on giving the incomplete info or for rejecting an application without any proper excuse.

This is India! Free India! Free People!

For More Info :- Swachh Bharat