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How can I make my life expectancy longer?

Submitted by fionabasil on Wed, 06/30/2021 - 02:48

Limitation of studies
But let's take a step back and consider that while this study offered us an idea, it was observational and just because there is a correlation between coffee consumption and longevity, it doesn't mean that coffee is the only reason or cause for that.
Studies like these take into account multiple factors, but cannot yet determine causality, which means that coffee may not have been what caused certain populations to improve longevity.

What is the strongest pain killer?

Submitted by fionabasil on Tue, 06/15/2021 - 23:30

It's no secret that a problem of drug deaths is increasingly being grappled with. But according to a scientist, there is a certain pain reliever that is taking more lives than even heroin.
Tramadol is guilty of taking more lives than illegal drugs. You may know Tramadol somewhere as its brand names - Ultram or ConZip. The medicine prescribed by the doctor is similar to an opiate. It is usually prescribed for pain relief.

What can trigger a Crohn's flare-up?

Submitted by fionabasil on Tue, 06/08/2021 - 20:45

The Crohn's disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease, chronic and recurrent course, which manifests with bouts of diarrhea (with mucus and blood) and abdominal pain.
The diagnosis of Crohn's disease must be made by a doctor, since it is not only an intestinal disease, but it also has an autoimmune component and generalized manifestations, such as fatigue and skin changes.
The Crohn's disease currently has no cure, but continued treatment and proper diet could prevent further outbreaks.

How can I improve my eyesight naturally?

Submitted by fionabasil on Wed, 06/02/2021 - 21:41

Eye gymnastics is one of the answers to keep our eyes healthy. The exercises that are carried out can help us improve our vision and keep our eyes healthier.
All of us at some point in our lives have been able to experience fatigue in our eyes. Visual fatigue is a compendium of annoying symptoms, a product of the continuous work to which we expose our eyes, the result of reading effort by spending a long time in activities of intense visual attention.
To prevent or eliminate visual fatigue, methods have been designed, the most widespread is Ocular Gymnastics.

How can I recover from typhoid faster?

Submitted by fionabasil on Sun, 05/30/2021 - 20:30

The typhoid fever is a disease caused by a bacterium called Salmonella typhi, which causes an invasion from the intestine and spreads throughout the body.
This pathology is characterized by symptoms such as fever, chills, malaise, muscle and joint pain, enlargement of the liver and spleen (hepatosplenomegaly); a picture that is usually preceded by a stage of constipation or diarrhea. If left untreated, typhoid fever is potentially fatal, as the bacteria have the ability to spread throughout the body, including attacking the central nervous system.

What is the chance of getting ovarian cancer?

Submitted by fionabasil on Mon, 05/24/2021 - 20:09

In certain studies, scientists have found that black tea is a healthy drink that reduces the risk of ovarian cancer. In one experiment, women who drank tea for a longer period of time and practiced this habit every day - drank a cup of tea regularly - could enjoy significant medical benefits from this healthy habit.
Researchers from Curtin University in Perth (Australia), observed a thousand women at the age of 59 on average, divided into two groups: half of the women surveyed were diagnosed with ovarian cancer and the remaining 500 healthy women (control group).

Can Rheumatoid Arthritis be misdiagnosed as osteoarthritis?

Submitted by fionabasil on Sun, 05/23/2021 - 21:09

There are several diseases that affect the body's joints. Commonly, arthritis and osteoarthritis are spoken of interchangeably, but is it the same disease? In this article you will get the answer.
Arthritis vs Osteoarthritis
In general, we call arthritis the inflammatory process, which has multiple causes, while Osteoarthritis is the process of wear and tear of the joint.

What improves nerve damage?

Submitted by fionabasil on Thu, 05/13/2021 - 20:32

1. Generalized diseases
Diseases like diabetes are known to increase the likelihood of developing nerve damage, as high blood glucose levels and high triglycerides can upset the nervous system. The development of neuropathy increases dramatically in people who:
• Have diabetes
• Are overweight or obese
• Have high blood pressure
• Are over 40 years old

How do you permanently cure chronic urticaria?

Submitted by fionabasil on Sun, 05/09/2021 - 21:15

The chronic urticaria is a skin condition, its origin may be autoimmune and the body has antibodies able to create histamine. If it is released outside the blood vessels, it becomes responsible for burning, itching and the annoying hives that appear on the skin caused by hives.
Although this could not be the only one responsible for the symptoms, since in the autoimmune system there are other elements that also cause these symptoms.
Causes of chronic urticaria

What can you do for chronic pain?

Submitted by fionabasil on Fri, 05/07/2021 - 21:11

The pain is defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (International Association for the Study of Pain) as a sensory experience and emotional unpleasant, associated with a tissue, actual or potential damage, or described in terms of such damage.
We can classify pain taking into account its duration, origin, location, how it evolves, according to its intensity, prognostic factors or risk factors, and according to pharmacology, that is, according to the drugs that relieve a certain pain.


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