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Does vitamin B6 help with periods?

Submitted by fionabasil on Wed, 08/04/2021 - 20:16

The benefits of vitamin B6 for women are numerous and the most important thing is hormonal balance. Sometimes the problem for women struggling with symptoms of hormonal imbalance, such as PMS and infertility, is the need for nutrients that support healthy hormones.
The benefits of vitamin B6 include
• Hormonal balance
• Support for symptoms such as nausea in pregnancy
• Reduces premenstrual syndrome
• Improve sleep
• Optimizing brain health
• Mood support
• Reduces inflammation
• Autoimmunity support

What fruits are bad for arthritis?

Submitted by fionabasil on Fri, 07/30/2021 - 03:33

You can take advantage of breakfast to include foods that help prevent inflammation and other conditions related to arthritis, then we will mention some of these foods that you can include at breakfast.
The breakfast is considered one of the essential foods to maintain health of the body. Thanks to breakfast, the body is provided with the necessary nutrients to start the day full of energy and vitality, making it the perfect ally to help reduce the symptoms caused by some inflammatory diseases.

What causes vulvodynia to flare up?

Submitted by fionabasil on Fri, 07/30/2021 - 03:21

Intimate relationships are very natural and liberating. Such a healthy expression of love, sensuality and desire. If you are one of the millions of women who live with pain during intimate relationships, you know that it is painful, it is scary, and it is a chore. Don't give up just yet. There is hope for curing pain during intimate relationships from vulvar vestibulitis and vulvodynia, which are a real but treatable chronic pain condition.
What is Vulvodynia?

What exercise not to do with lower back pain?

Submitted by fionabasil on Wed, 07/28/2021 - 21:13

You are used or used to doing exercises, to being an active person and suddenly a back problem occurs, then the dilemma of staying in bed or doing some kind of exercise comes.
If it is yoga, the matter becomes somewhat more difficult due to the asanas or postures that its practice implies. It is certainly an issue that must be treated delicately, depending primarily on the type of back injury.
Emergency positions in yoga

What is a natural cure for gastrointestinal bleeding?

Submitted by fionabasil on Mon, 07/26/2021 - 20:44

The gastrointestinal bleeding is a common problem that motivates many emergency visits to hospitals.
In addition to the frequency, the mortality of gastrointestinal bleeding is around 5 to 10% of patients, so it is important to attend quickly, evaluate the causes and initiate early treatment to reduce decompensation due to acute blood loss.
Different types of gastrointestinal bleeding

ProstaStream-What diseases cause rapid weight gain?

Submitted by fionabasil on Thu, 07/22/2021 - 20:25

You think you are doing everything you can to prevent body fat from accumulating. You do everything you know to lose weight. But every day, the scale is static or going up. Why is this happening? Surely your hard work should have paid off by now. Before you give up on frustration, consider this: it could be due to lesser-known fat triggers that are causing your body to store and build fat.
10 things that trigger the production of fat in the body

What should I know before going on the pill?

Submitted by fionabasil on Wed, 07/07/2021 - 22:30

Birth control pills are processed by the liver and go through what is called the first-pass effect or first-pass metabolism. During this process, the pills are metabolized by the liver and the concentration of the drug is greatly reduced before reaching the bloodstream.
This process can significantly damage the liver as it leads to increased inflammation, liver tumors, and a decreased ability to properly detoxify.

How do you permanently cure chronic constipation?

Submitted by fionabasil on Wed, 07/07/2021 - 22:19

There are conditions that tend to ruin our lives temporarily, one of them is chronic constipation. This type of condition is a condition characterized by the difficulty or low frequency to perform a complete evacuation, characterized by severe intestinal pain and few visits to the bathroom causing notable abdominal swelling.
Causes of chronic constipation

Why do doctors ignore symptoms?

Submitted by fionabasil on Tue, 07/06/2021 - 20:10

The stress is the main reason for the emergence of numerous ailments and diseases, but not everyone is aware of this, although experts always warn about the consequences of stress, sometimes presents some symptoms that we must consider if we want to have unpleasant consequences.
This condition can be a very serious thing, especially when it cannot be noticed immediately due to some unclear symptoms of stress. Trying to reduce the causes of stress and calm your spirits is highly recommended as it is very important in order to protect your health from many medical conditions.

Can the adult brain grow new neurons?

Submitted by fionabasil on Wed, 06/30/2021 - 03:00

Fasting autophagy
In addition to neurogenesis, there is also a process called autophagy that is activated when humans fast. Autophagy is loosely described as the process of cleaning cells and removing debris.
Theoretically, you can see how this can be beneficial in improving cell and neuronal activation. But in addition to exercise and fasting, there are some other elements that can help develop new brain cells.
Omega-3 fatty acids


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