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What Are Essential Soft Skills That Marketers Should Have?

SEO is a term that covers many aspects of website management. The main challenges in SEO are to ensure the website is well-optimized for search engines and that it has a high rank on search engine pages. For your business to survive in the online world, you need to make sure that it is well optimised. The following are the main challenges of SEO, and factors to consider when optimising your web page for success.

What Are The Main SEO Challenges?

SEO is a term that covers many aspects of website management. The main challenges in SEO are to ensure the website is well-optimized for search engines and that it has a high rank on search engine pages. For your business to survive in the online world, you need to make sure that it is well optimised. The following are the main challenges of SEO, and factors to consider when optimising your web page for success.

What Do You Need To Know About The July 2021 Google Broad Core Algorithm Update?

Many people know the name of the Google algorithm updates, but not many know what they actually mean. A Google algorithm update is an update to Google’s search engine ranking algorithms. This is done from time to time to improve the search experience for users.

Some are minor updates and others are more major, including the July Broad Core Algorithm Update. Updates are something to be considered because they have the potential to affect several things about your website especially its web optimisation and ranking.

What is the Importance of Having a Content Marketing Strategy?

Content marketing is a strategic way to build and sustain relationships with customers. More importantly, it provides a means for generating leads and attracting new customers. To stay ahead of the competition you need to make sure that you have a strong marketing strategy to sustain your reader’s needs.

What’s the Difference Between Onsite and Offsite SEO?

If you are on the verge of creating a successful website, you must have heard about SEO. This is something that you need to put your head around. The idea of using keywords on articles is simple to grasp, but when more advanced terms such as onsite and offsite SEO becomes a little bit tricky.
However, this article will help you understand the difference between onsite and offsite SEO.

What Are Simple Visual Content Marketing Tips For Instagram?

Visual content is a great element for your success in social media marketing, especially on Instagram. Videos, images, GIFs, infographics posts on Instagram’s attracts lots of engagements, likes, shares compared to text content.
It is important to harness the power of Instagram to promote your business. Instagram attracts a lot of daily users. When you create content for Instagram every day you will get a lot of followers and leads for your business.

What Are The Best SEO Platforms For Marketing?

In most cases, marketers find it hard to choose an SEO platform to go with their marketing efforts. The main reason for this is the different options and capabilities that one has to choose from.

If you are looking for the best SEO platform for your marketing, there are several things that you ought to consider. SEO can help you to grow your business or website and rank higher in SERPs. To achieve this, you will need to find the best SEO platform.

What Is Brand Architecture in Marketing?

In marketing, brand architecture is the overall structure of your sub-brands. Good brand architecture should be organised in a way that makes consumers better understand your brand.

As a marketer, a well-structured brand architecture will help you to cross-promote your business and help you focus on the sub-brand elements that bring better results.

Components of A Good Brand Architecture

There are several elements of good brand architecture in marketing these include;


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