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Older people tend to get fat easily

Submitted by alenalbert on Sun, 05/28/2017 - 06:30

Being fat when stepping on middle age is like a curse for the majority of people. Many men and women are becoming obese as they get older. In fact, they had an ideal body when young. What is the reason? Scientists say there is only one step left for them to uncover the mystery. They believe, the more fat when adult is caused because there is a type of fat that becomes less active as a person ages. There are two types of fat present in the body. The first type of white fat is evil. The fat accumulates in the body because it feeds too much and settles in the stomach and thighs.

Include these when you wanna slow the aging

Submitted by alenalbert on Sun, 05/21/2017 - 20:27

To keep skin healthy and youthful, you not only need to use a moisturizer on a regular basis. Yes, diet and healthy diet also greatly affect the health condition of your skin.

Nutritionist Kathleen Alleaume says that there are certain nutrients that skin needs to stay healthy. Anything? Here's the list, as summarized Health from Daily Mail:


Reading the supplements label correctly

Submitted by alenalbert on Sat, 05/13/2017 - 23:14

Today, there are many outstanding fake health supplements on the market. The Food and Grugs Administration (FDA) continues to campaign and remind US consumers to be smarter and more cautious when buying health supplements. The reason, these dietary supplements may contain foreign substances that are not actually in accordance with the listing on the label.


Your bad mood can make body feel tired

Submitted by alenalbert on Sat, 05/06/2017 - 00:41

Women often feel sensitive to many events. These things usually make women attributed to their emotional feelings. Well, there are several ways that women can do to get rid of the moody or gloomy feeling.

Because of various things, women in the present look rarely socialize again. Yet according to a psychiatrist named Julie Holland, with rarely women associated with the outdoors and socializing can make them become psychologically ill.

Without you realise the habits that can make you fat

Submitted by alenalbert on Fri, 04/28/2017 - 21:23

Want to lose weight? The first step you can do before changing your diet and diligent exercise is to check back on daily habits. For some of them without realizing it can quietly make the weight skyrocket.

Anything? Here's a list of habits that can make you fat and should change immediately, as summarized

Bite food with large chunks

Allow more and more time to eat, so you will not be in a hurry until you have to bite the food with large chunks and chew it quickly.

Boost your hormones if you wanna lose weight

Submitted by alenalbert on Sat, 04/22/2017 - 22:48

Various ways may be done people who want to lose weight in the body. However, some obstacles such as diet may cause weight does not go down.

Quoted from FoxNews, here are 4 ways to activate the weight loss hormone in order for your diet to work.

Fat Burning Chef Review – Delicious Recipes to Burn Fat

1. Enough Sleep
Lack of sleep can significantly affect Leptin hormone. This hormone is a hormone that regulates metabolism and appetite in a person.

Extreme loss weight can affect the muscle

Submitted by alenalbert on Thu, 04/13/2017 - 23:30

Do not be happy if you succeed in losing weight a lot in a short time. This method can actually make the muscles become weak.

In a study conducted by researchers from Maastricht University, the Netherlands, found that if you lose weight too fast, then you will also lose more muscle. This is of course when compared with weight loss is done more slowly and reasonably.

Specific nutrients required by women

Submitted by alenalbert on Wed, 04/12/2017 - 05:42

Compared with men, women require specific intake for health and body fitness. This is because women have menstrual phase and a variety of other unique differences.

As summarized from various sources, here are 5 of the best recommended intake for women consumed:


Green leafy vegetables are rich in magnesium, so it is believed to reduce symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) such as abdominal cramps. Spinach is also believed to provide additional benefits for bone health, stabilize blood sugar and reduce the risk of asthma attacks.


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